> On 08 May 2016, at 00:39, Sjöholm Per-Olov <p...@incedo.org> wrote: > > Hi > > I have skipped all major releases of OpenBSD after 5.4 for one firewall due to > watchdog timeout resets on the em driver. Earlier today I fired up a 5.9 > release and patched it up to 5.9 stable and let it take over from the old one. > It seems to go very well. But I do have one question. > > > The system seems to work as it should. > > But what does this mean? > Is it bad? > > > root@xanadu:~#grep -i watchdog /var/log/messages > May 8 00:12:15 xanadu /bsd: em1: watchdog: head 118 tail 182 TDH 118 TDT 118 > May 8 00:25:33 xanadu /bsd: em1: watchdog: head 181 tail 246 TDH 181 TDT 181 > May 8 00:26:35 xanadu /bsd: em1: watchdog: head 137 tail 202 TDH 137 TDT 137 > root@xanadu:~# > > > > > Thanks in advance > > Regards > Peo > -- > GPG keyID: 9429C093 > GPG fingerprint: 5F37 4298 A07F C614 647B 458C A756 5C4E 9429 C093 >
Well… It was not good. I once again had to go back to the old 5.4 as the network traffic was not stable. I have two nics (PCI pass through in KVM). em0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Intel 82576" rev 0x01: irq 11, address 00:1b:21:cc:51:7c em1 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "Intel 82576" rev 0x01: irq 10, address 00:1b:21:cc:51:7d I use a couple of VLANs and also IPv6 on top on em0. em1 on the other hand is just an interface with an IP and an IP alias on it, no VLANs or so. Any clues of how to track this down? I can fire the machine up again and to some test... Thanks Peo