On Fri, Feb 26, 2016, at 09:22 AM, Артур Истомин wrote: > On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 07:54:20PM -0500, Nick Holland wrote: > > On 02/25/16 17:01, Jaap Bosman wrote: > > > Hallo, I would like to use mail(1) for email client. > > > > No, really, you don't. > > > > > In man mail(1) I read nothing about configure mail to send and receive > > > email from outside. I would like to find how to configure mail(1). > > > > Step 1: you need to read the first few chapters of the Sendmail book. > > You can skip all the stuff about sendmail configuration, but you don't > > seem to understand how mail works. > > > > And ... hopefully you realize you don't want to get involved in that > > side of the mail system. Just pay someone to do that for you. > > With this approach, we will have only one email provider. His name is > Google. > Spam and other black sides of today email system is price we pay for > decentralized system. And it's worth it. >
What Nick was trying to say was, "If you do not understand internet e-mail from end-to-end please do not run an e-mail server." There is a lot more to it than just installing some packages. When you setup a mis-configured e-mail system you don't just suffer. Everybody suffers. An amateur running an e-mail server is MUCH more likely to become a SPAM bot. And, no it is not worth it.