2016-02-02 7:03 GMT+01:00 Gabriele Tozzi <gabri...@tozzi.eu>:

> Now, back to the topic, I kindly have two questions, to avoid mistakes
> of the past:
> 1. The CPU is and Intel Atom D425.
>    The OpenBSD manual says that "Some Intel processors lack support
>    for important PAE NX bit. But I couldn't find a list of them.
>    Is there a way for me to check if this one supports W^X on amd64?

That was early on, but you should probably see NXE in the dmesg of all
intel cpus these days.

> 2. Unfortunately this board has only 1 network card, but I need at
>    least 3. Having only 1 PCI-E slot available for expansion, I am
>    forced to buy a many-in-one network card. Because of budget
>    issues, I have narrowed my choice to:
>    - Intel Pro 1000 PT dual
>    - Intel Pro 1000 VT quad
>    The PT variant is listed in the (em) module documentation, but with
>    no explicit reference to the dual version. The VT is not listed at
>    all,  but also it is not explicitly excluded.
>    Does anyone had some good or bad experiences with those cards and
>    OpenBSD?
I'm not certain I have tried exactly Pro 1000 PT Dual, but all intel gig
dual cards
I did try worked like a charm. I assume the quads work out nicely too.

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