On 2015-12-23, Bojan Nastic <bo...@bytesizedword.com> wrote:
>> A British ISP recommends using the DLINK DSL-320B in bridge mode only:
>> "... bridge mode for use with a PPPoE Router. Supports 1508 byte "baby
>> jumbo" frames for full 1500 byte MTU PPPoE operation. ..."
>> http://aa.net.uk/broadband-accessories.html

> Can confirm - that D-Link modem is the best way to go (at least in our 
> neck of the woods). Very cheap and reliable. I have it running as a 
> PPPoE bridge into an Alix 
> router with OpenBSD. The whole rig has been up for more than a year, 
> zero issues.

Don't under any circumstances use it as a router though, only a bridge.
Speeds with annex M support are also poor but it's fine for standard ADSL.

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