ok, well the only way to not use any linux based bridged adsl modem is
try to find a pci modem supported by opensbd ?
I connect the pci modem to the soekris device and that's all ?
so the problem is find a supported pci modem..

2015-12-22 19:55 GMT+00:00 Shady <sh...@shadyproject.net>:
>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 1:32 PM, Frank White <mediome...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes I am sorry, I want build a small embedded system with openbsd to
>> connect a lan to an adsl line. I want all the devices with openbsd,
>> included the adsl modem. So the embedded system must have one or more
>> ethernet nic and a modem.
>> 2015-12-22 19:08 GMT+00:00 Tati Chevron <chev...@swabsit.com>:
>>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 06:45:04PM +0000, Frank White wrote:
>>>> I want build a router/modem with openbsd. My is that I don't want
>>>> anykind of linux code around. I don't have any problems to build a
>>>> router, my problem is to have a modem without any linux firmware.
>>>> Anyone know if there are any pure modem to use it ?
>>>> Or any chip I can connect on any "itx or what u want" motherboard ?
>>> Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do?
>>> Are you trying to build a small embedded system using OpenBSD, or
>>> do you want to configure a normal desktop machine to route data
>>> from a, (3g?  DSL?  Cable internet?), source to other machines
>>> on the LAN?
>>> --
>>> Tati Chevron
>>> Perl and FORTRAN specialist.
>>> SWABSIT development and migration department.
>>> http://www.swabsit.com
> I’m currently using a Soekris net6501 as a router. Works great with
> OpenBSD, and comes with 4 ethernet ports.  As far as I’m aware they
> don’t have any models that come with a modem, but if you can find a
> supported MiniPCI or PCI modem, it should work fine.  Soekris officially
> supports OpenBSD and has good documentation on installing it on their
> hardware.  I’m not affiliated with Soekris in anyway other than being a
> satisfied user.

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