(Theo de Raadt), 2015.12.02 (Wed) 02:18 (CET): > >I don't think that quite covers it. Those of us who have the choice > >can send checks or Paypal money directly to Theo, as described on the > >Donations page. I think checks are preferable, because they eliminate > >Paypal skimming its credit-card-like fees, at the cost of a stamp. The > >CDs also involve paying a middle-man. > > Completely true. Also it is a 20 minute walk each way to the bank, > and keyboard folk need to do more walks.
Theo, sending money to the account below gets it to you directly, right? (though it undermines your walking training, sorry ;-) from donations.html to bank-donation.html, haven't seen this mentioned in the thread yet: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >From Inside Europe (SEPA): IBAN: DE91 7007 0024 0338 1779 00 BIC: DEUTDEDBMUC Name: Theo de Raadt Address: Deutsche Bank, Marienplatz 21 80331 M?nchen, Germany >From outside Europe: SWIFT: DEUTDEDBMUC Account: 7007 0024 0338 1779 00 Name: Theo de Raadt Address: Deutsche Bank, Marienplatz 21 80331 M?nchen, Germany ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bye, Marcus > !DSPAM:565e47d1289635898012334!