Travies all crypto is breakable. The only demand on crypto is how long in takes to break it. If it takes more than 5 years the military usually thing its safe enough to use. Why, because after 5 years the information is usually out of data.
But since you withhold so sensitive data I suggest you burn it up and only remember it in your head than it should be safe enough for you. Time after time you state you dont know anything about programming and crypto still you bitch how the OpenBSD developer should develop the system. If you dont like the way they have done it why dont you just send diffs and correct their terrible mistakes. As the slogan goes for whiners on misc SHUT UP AND CODE which you should know as an historian because you only need to check past posts on the misc list . But I guess a philosopher you will argue what SHUT UP really means and we will see a flood of post about that on misc to.