On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 10:13:48AM -0800, Philip Guenther wrote:
> I'll throw a quick thumbs-up for adding FETCH_PACKAGES=yes to your
> mk.conf to have the ports infrastructure automatically install
> dependencies instead of building them.

AFAIK FETCH_PACKAGES=yes is a bit broken because quirks packages in
/usr/ports/packages/$ARCH/cache/ will conflict with the installed
quirks package. pkg_add fails because of this and the dependencies
are built. One workaround is to remove the cached quirks package,
but it will eventually reappear.

The cause of the pkg_add failure during the 'make depends' step is
not directly visible unless this change to bsd.port.mk is made:

Index: bsd.port.mk
RCS file: /cvs/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.1265
diff -u -p -r1.1265 bsd.port.mk
--- bsd.port.mk 25 Apr 2014 15:28:52 -0000      1.1265
+++ bsd.port.mk 3 May 2014 11:12:00 -0000
@@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@ check-register-all:
        @mkdir -p ${@D}
        @${ECHO_MSG} -n "===>  Looking for ${_PKGFILE${_S}} in \$$PKG_PATH - "
-       @if ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_CACHE=${_CACHE_REPO} 
 ${_PKG_ADD} -n -q ${_PKG_ADD_FORCE} -D installed -D downgrade ${_PKGFILE${_S}} 
>/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+       @if ${SETENV} ${_TERM_ENV} PKG_CACHE=${_CACHE_REPO} 
 ${_PKG_ADD} -n -q ${_PKG_ADD_FORCE} -D installed -D downgrade ${_PKGFILE${_S}} 
>/dev/null; then \
                ${ECHO_MSG} "found"; \
                exit 0; \
        else \

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