On 11/4/15, Tati Chevron <chev...@swabsit.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 07:21:39AM -0800, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
>>Tati Chevron [chev...@swabsit.com] wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On a freshly installed 5.8-release, I am unable to build mutt from source
>>> using the ports tree.
>>> I've never had any difficulty building the mutt port since at least
>>> 5.0-release.
>>> systrace: deny user: root, prog: /bin/cp, pid: 24101(0)[7002], policy:
>>> /usr/bin/env, filters: 248, syscall: native-chflagsat(107), filename:
>>> /usr/ports/pobj/db-4.6.21-no_java-bootstrap-no_tcl/fake-amd64-no_java-bootstrap-no_tcl/usr/local/share/doc/db4/articles/inmemory,
>>> flags: cp: chflags:
>>> /usr/ports/pobj/db-4.6.21-no_java-bootstrap-no_tcl/fake-amd64-no_java-bootstrap-no_tcl/usr/local/share/doc/db4/articles/inmemory:
>>> Operation not permitted
>>Unfortunately you'll have to turn off systrace to build this port. Are you
>>using any custom systrace rules?
> No, no custom rules on this machine, just a standard installation.  But
> what's changed to cause this new behaviour?

does this patch help your case:



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