Hi folks,

first of all thanks for all your interesting answers! I didn't expect this
topic to be so popular and I am quite satisfied to have received a broader
perspective than I had in mind.

My fault was not specifying exactly what jobs the machine would perform,
that could have narrowed down the possible answers. This machine is a
special project as, in itself is both a mod and a low power box. It's
purpose will be to be a "near-TV-set" server/client, doing stuff like
torrent, sftp, ftp, dlna, web surfing, media playing, gns3, etc. It should
use E17 as X desktop environment.

The original idea was that it had to be at the same time:
- small enough to fit a living room without being noticed
- not power hungry (very likely to be often 24h on)
- kinda stylish

The stylish hull came from a dead SparcClassic which has been completely
overhauled internally to fit a miniITX board and externally (painted in
lucid black, original leds, metal plates with "Sun" and "SparcClassic"
preserved), instead of a floppy drive it now features  a CF reader which
gives you the ability of "taking away the OS with you" whenever you want
like the keys of a car.

The box is sleek enough to fit any living room being woman-scream proof and
at the same time capable of potentially hosting two HD, one 5" 1/4 and one
3" 1/2.

After having read all the answers, I have excluded options which are read
only or modify the system so much that render it unsupported in a major
way, making also upgrades like gambling. This machine will be running

What I had more or less in mind, which buys the ticket, is what Marko and
Kenneth have suggested, so using mfs_mount with -P and rsyncing at shutdown
or even at regular intervals. I see this as the best compromise between a
totally ro system with unsupported upgrades and a bare CF- install without
being certain of timings for media wear-off. I would also like to minimise
the CF-upgrade process through time: it is time consuming and, with a
consistent policy to reduce CF writes, likely unnecessary.

The solution will look like the following:

- CF for / with mfs_mount -P for all /var
- 5" 1/4 HD for /home and swap
- 3" 1/2 HD somewhere inder /mnt for write intensive jobs, like for
instance torrent
- an extra rpm-regulated case side fan to exhaust extra heat if present

Still cannot understand why some of you have adviced to put /dev on
ramdisk: isn't MAKEDEV just run at install time and then only manually?
>From what emerged in the discussion it looks that, besides /home, /var is
the only place where system makes its usual writes.

Btw, thanks for the suggestions about reconciling syslog with security

Looks like I have the instruments to proceed now, pictures of the
SparcClassic mod are available in private for the curious ones.


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