On 2015-10-15 Thu 16:01 PM |, Kenneth Gober wrote:
> You may also want to move cron log files from /var/cron to /var/log (or
> /var/log/cron if you want them to be separated from other logs).  Doing so
> involves modifying /etc/syslog.conf and /etc/newsyslog.conf.  If you do
> this be prepared for warnings in the nightly security check emails due to the
> cron log file not being found in its normal location.  Leaving an empty log
> file in the original location is one workaround for this but I haven't tried
> it.

That stops the security alerts.

>  A better workaround may be to modify the nightly check so that it looks
> for the log file in its new location.

Relocate the line in /etc/mtree/special
The Heineken Uncertainty Principle:
        You can never be sure how many beers you had last night.

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