> > I'm considering buying a new netbook...

So you asked what not to buy. You got some good and solid advice from
knowledgeable people here regarding what works great including
OpenBSD coverage.

Then you informed us all you disregarded that completely for your own
choice and this more and more looks like an advertisement campaign for
your pre-selected brand.

This may play a bad trick on other readers in the future.

So the correct and reliable solution for novice users looking for a
laptop to run their favourite or future beloved OpenBSD, is to follow
the advice of the developers. At least you want to get the same joy
they got when using OpenBSD on their equipment.

I wish this was made popular recommendation when I was shopping for a
netbook so I would chase this further instead of picking the available
low end systems. Sadly here they were not selling those locally and I
ended up buying a netbook that is not that joyful to use.

Honestly, I did not care the least about your personal choice. I much
appreciate the valuable information coming from the OpenBSD devs and
definitely going to help myself with the Thinkpad better series in the

Until your selected advertisers start making real hardware that does
not look like plastic toys but computers again.

Ironically the thread was not named "what to buy". Please don't try to
make other people in the future follow bad marketing advice.

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