Paul de Weerd (2015-05-01 21:16 +0200):
> Note that the 27th of April is actually both "Koningsdag" (King's Day)
> and our king's birthday.

You're right, of course. As the day is commonly referred to as "King's
Day", I suggested that.

> | one more question though:
> | 
> |  Statue Day in Netherlands Antilles
> This is 'Koninkrijksdag', or "Kingdom day", the day on which the
> charter of the kingdom was signed.  See
> for a bit more background.
> | i left that entry alone because i couldn;t find anything about "statue
> | day". is it really statue?! statute, maybe. but couldn;t find out what
> | it was. any takers?
> Given the "signing of the charter", I'm pretty sure what was meant was
> 'statute'.

Perhaps the entry should be changed to "Kingdom Day in the Netherlands".
I quite like Statue Day, though. :-)

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