On 2/25/15, Ulf Brosziewski <ulf.brosziew...@t-online.de> wrote:
> On 02/25/2015 11:53 PM, patrick keshishian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2/25/15, joshua stein<j...@openbsd.org>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 at 12:32:10 -0800, patrick keshishian wrote:
>>>> I'm noticing slight annoyance with recent update from 20141121
>>>> snapshot to 20150217.
>>>> My touchpad, while two-finger scrolling (up/down) sometimes ignores
>>>> the scrolls. I have to lift my fingers and retry the gesture to
>>>> initiate
>>>> the scroll.
>>> There was a change to pms(4) (r1.57) but it should only affect
>>> elantech touchpads, so it's probably the r1.11 change to the
>>> synaptics xorg driver which affects all of them:
>>> http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/xenocara/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/src/wsconscomm.c
>>> Can you try recompiling that driver with that last revision backed
>>> out and see if it fixes the problem?
>> Thanks for the reply and hint.
>> Took me a while longer as I made the mistake of rebuilding
>> the entire xenocara.
>> Indeed this revision seems to be the cause of the issue; at
>> least I've not been able to run into the issue in the last 10
>> minutes or so, whilst trying my best.
>> Thanks to Henrik Friedrichsen for also confirming the issue
>> and the fix.
>> Cheers,
>> --patrick
> Unfortunately that "fix" might reintroduce other problems, at least
> with other touchpads, and maybe even with yours. For example, if you
> start a scrolling operation by making two touches at the same time,
> I would expect that it begins with a "jump". Would you mind check that?
> I can't make any tests myself, there is no synaptics touchpad around
> here.


I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "making two touches
at the same time".

The way I initiate a scroll is by placing two fingers (typically my
index and middle fingers) on the touchpad and moving them
up/down or left/right.

It has never begun with any "jump".

The change which prompted this thread, was absolutely annoying.
e.g., While reading a PDF document. I'd have to remove my fingers
and touch the touchpad again, very frequently, in order to continue
scrolling. Where as before (and now with the revision rollback) I can
completely concentrate on reading the document.


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