On 2015-01-05, Stefan Sperling <s...@stsp.name> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 11:27:54PM +0100, Tom Van Looy wrote:
>> Hi
>> My laptop (HP ProBook 6560b) has a Broadcom BCM4313 wifi card. Seems like
>> it's not supported (there is also a thread on misc@ about this card).
>> I want to buy a new card. What mini PCI express card is the best card you
>> can buy?
>> For example, there are a lot of cards in the iwn driver. I can buy a "Intel
>> Centrino Ultimate-N 6300" or "Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6235" for around 30
>> euro, but I can also buy a "Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230" for 13 euro 
> Any of the above should work with iwn(4). I'd suggest to get one of these,
> whichever matches your budget and requirements best.
> Note that some laptop brands have an artificial limitation where they
> refuse to boot if the wireless card has a PCI ID unknown to the BIOS.
> Not sure if this is a problem with HP but Lenovo Thinkpads do have this
> problem. In these cases the card needs to be compatible with both the
> laptop and OpenBSD.

Yes, HP do use a BIOS whitelist for wireless cards in their laptops.

To defeat these, you either need a modified BIOS (do you trust the person
who modified it? Really?) or some people have been having fun with
hardware modifications instead (http://joshuawise.com/wireless-whitelist).
USB wireless is a simpler alternative.

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