On 12/06/14 03:44, Riley Baird wrote:
> I have a few questions about OpenBSD's trademark policy. (I tried
> looking, but I couldn't find a document.)
> 1. What is OpenBSD's stance on allowing derivative distros to keep the
> name "OpenBSD" throughout the system?

Short answer: follow the license.
Read it over and over until you understand what it means.  Hire a lawyer
if you have any questions.  The license is on the top of almost every
source file (and you will see some differences in different source
files...EACH FILE's license has to be respected in what you do with that

Not sure what you mean by "throughout the system" -- it's case-by-case.
If you see a copyright with the OpenBSD.org email address, you keep
that, per the license.  If your end result is clearly not OpenBSD and
something is referring to the overall product, you SHOULD change it,
since the overall product isn't OpenBSD anymore.

> 2. If it needs to be changed, which parts of the system would you
> require the change in?

again... follow the license.  If it ISN'T OpenBSD anymore, don't call it

> 3. From other discussions on the mailing list, it seems that the "Puffy"
> logo is restricted, so I imagine it would be necessary to change the
> default xdm configuration, but nothing else.

depends what you are doing.  FOLLOW THE LICENSE.

What isn't in the license: support your product, don't send people to
the OpenBSD mail lists for support.  You may not be violating the
license, but we'll be very unhappy with you, and we'll let people know.
 If you find a problem that comes from OpenBSD, replicate it on OpenBSD
and report that.

But again...if you have any questions, hire a lawyer.  It isn't hard to
do right.  Isn't hard to do wrong, either...  Advice on the 'net is
cheap and often wrong. :)


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