On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 04:36:43PM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> On 2014-12-02, Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> wrote:
> > I was pkg_add'ing some essential packages on a freshly installed SPARC 
> > machine. I noticed that several packages are missing. I thought it was 
> > the mirror, but they are missing on the master ftp too.
> > I know that some packages might not build on sparc or do not have sense 
> > on that platform, however I was looking for pretty general stuff: 
> > libxmsl, libxslt or subversion.
> They didn't build.  I can't tell whether that's due to the package
> building process (the sparc build machines are very unstable) or
> problems with the ports themselves.  Peter Hessler may be able to
> comment.

How much time is necessary to build packages during and for a release? How
much time for snapshots? And how often does this need to be done? I'm trying
to get an idea how much uptime you would need if somebody who is able to
take this on doesn't have a suitable box to build on.

I have a few boxes that could host this but I cannot run them for days on
end simply because they're in my office and would deafen/burn me alive.

> We keep having this tail of zombie architectures.  Long obsolete
> hardware, run by few people, with pitiful "best effort" package
> builds happening each release and with luck once between.  They
> slowly sink under the accumulating bitrot that nobody cares to fix,
> but at the same time people can't bring themselves to completely
> abandon those archs.  *shrug*



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