Am 02.12.2014 17:15 schrieb Otto Moerbeek:
On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 05:04:39PM +0100, Stefan Wollny wrote:
Am 02.12.2014 16:46 schrieb Otto Moerbeek:
>On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 04:39:11PM +0100, Stefan Wollny wrote:
>>Hi there, reading the upgrade-guide 5.5 to 5.6
>>on I came across an issue with
>>sysmerge options: The guide advises to run sysmerge like so:sysmerge -s
>>${RELEASEPATH}/etc56.tgz -x ${RELEASEPATH}/xetc56.tgz I have the
>>*tgz-files in the folder ~/Downloads/amd64/. I have cd'ed there and
>>-s etc56.tgz -x xetc56.tgz What I get is the following
>>-s: unknown optionusage: sysmerge [-bdp] man sysmerge tells me
>>[-bdp] Question:Is my system outdated or should the FAQ get a review?
>Looks like you are running a current sysmerge. Likely you did not
>upgrade to 5.6-release, but 5.6-current, using a snapshot.
> -Otto
Hi Otto,
thanks for the quick reply.
Yes - your assumption is correct, I run 5.6-current. Nevertheless:
would the correct usage of sysmerge be as the online-version of
sysmerge' does not know about the options '-s' and '-x'?
Run it without arguments,
Thanks - this is how I usually do it but got confused by the upgrade
guide. There haven't been any change-notices by sysmerge lately so I
thought I have done wrong.
I just noticed that the online-version of 'man(8) sysmerge' refers to
OpenBSD-current - guess this added to my confusion.
Sorry for the noise.