Hi there, reading the upgrade-guide 5.5 to 5.6
on http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade56.html I came across an issue with
sysmerge options: The guide advises to run sysmerge like so:sysmerge -s
${RELEASEPATH}/etc56.tgz -x ${RELEASEPATH}/xetc56.tgz I have the
*tgz-files in the folder ~/Downloads/amd64/. I have cd'ed there and runsysmerge
-s etc56.tgz -x xetc56.tgz What I get is the following 
-s: unknown optionusage: sysmerge [-bdp] man sysmerge tells me
[-bdp] Question:Is my system outdated or should the FAQ get a review?

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