On 11/22/14 21:33, Hendrickson, Kenneth wrote: > I can't install OpenBSD 5.6 with PXE with an FTP server. I now must > figure out how to get a http server running. After 3 hours, it isn't > working yet. There is NO documentation on how to set up the required > web server pages. I've looked. There are no examples. Not even one > example.
If you spent three hours getting a basic, static content web server working...you have bigger problems. (btw: PXE uses TFTP to load the kernel, a totally different protocol, and this /has not changed/) > This is NOT a good thing. Right. But not for the reason you are thinking. > Why was this done? FTP as a protocol should have vanished about 20 years ago. A fair number of firewall admins are starting to deal with FTP by saying "get a modern protocol", and a lot more should. > Please reverse this decision. no. > Please bring back installing from an FTP server. no. > Why break something that was working well for more than a decade?? > Why reduce functionality?? *sigh* You had warning in the 5.5 upgrade page. You had notice in the 5.6 upgrade page and in numerous other locations for 5.6. I have no idea how you spend three hours setting up a basic web server, and since you provide no indication of what your problem is (er..problem with the web server is), all we can do is guess and crack jokes. I shouldn't do this, but ... * Build out your webserver machine (assuming OpenBSD and modern hw, 15 minutes) * Enable webserver in rc.conf.local. Activate webserver (1 minute) * pkg_add rsync (2 minutes) * rsync the platform directories you want to locally mirror (15 minutes for getting the rsync command right. That's a gimme anyway, you already had a process for pulling to your local mirror, that still works) * Drop those platform directories into your webserver's space (/var/www/htdocs in 5.6) * IF you wish to prune out some files, you can skip the big .iso and .fs files. You will need the SHA256* and index.txt file (note: that index.txt file is important. Webservers all give directory listings differently; this provides a standard list of files for the installer to look at. This may be your problem, but because of how you wrote your e-mail, I'm still laughing at you) * Point a browser at your new server, verify all is visible and working. * Point your installer at the same URL you used above. Not counting load times, you could build a brand new install server in well under an hour, and should be able to modify your existing server in minutes. Nick.