Note that I'm trying to install from my own private network.  Yes, I could 
install from the servers on the web.  But I have many boxes to install, and I 
want the installations to go fast.  I don't want to pound the servers with 
hundreds of requests.  So I want to use my own servers.  And I can't.  That is 
what I'm pissed off about.

From: Hendrickson, Kenneth
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:34 PM
Subject: Can't Install OpenBSD 5.6 with FTP

I can't install OpenBSD 5.6 with PXE with an FTP server.
I now must figure out how to get a http server running.
After 3 hours, it isn't working yet.
There is NO documentation on how to set up the required web server pages.  I've 
looked.  There are no examples.  Not even one example.

This is NOT a good thing.
Why was this done?
Please reverse this decision.
Please bring back installing from an FTP server.

Why break something that was working well for more than a decade??
Why reduce functionality??

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