21 novembre 2014 23:00 "John Merriam" <j...@johnmerriam.net> a écrit: 
> Hello. I am trying to write a script to check for updates to the binary
> packages by checking the output of pkg_add then sending an e-mail if
> something is found. My very simple script is this:
> #!/bin/ksh
> NEWPKGS=`pkg_add -Iusx | grep -v "^quirks\-"`
> if [ "$NEWPKGS" != "" ]; then
> # send message to admin...
> fi
> Does that seem like it should work? Anyone know a better way to check
> for updates to packages automatically? I tried reading the code of
> pkg_add to see if there was a better way but I wasn't able to find one.
> Didn't find anything through searching either.
> This is one of those things I'd like to set up in a cron job to run
> once a day then forget about it until a message pops up in my Inbox so I'd
> like to get it right the first time. Thanks!
> --
> John Merriam

Maybe you're looking for this ? 


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