On 24/10/14 14:53, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 10/23/14 21:36, worik wrote:
>> "Processes local and package scripts in /etc/rc.d" is listed as the last
>> thing rc does after boot.
>> What does "Processes" mean in this context?
> like "processing food" -- do whatever needs to be done.
> (not my best analogy, I'll admit)


> Look at the /etc/rc script...yes it does execute each of the rc.d
> scripts, and yes it DOES pass "start" to them:


> now look how start_daemon is invoked...

Interesting.  In /etc/rc start_daemon is called for specific named
scripts.  Except that (at line 520) it runs it for all scripts in

My shell scripting is really bad (I am going to have to up my game there
if I am going to stick around here) but it seems it is set to an empty
string in rc.conf

(Mis)reading the FAQ I thought it meant *all* scripts in /etc/rc.d were
"Processed". .  It actually says "...local and packaged scripts...".  So
if a package wants to be sure it is run at startup does it write that
into the rc.conf where mine says...

# rc.d(8) packages scripts
# started in the specified order and stopped in reverse order


I installed postgresql (with pkg_add) and it did not change this, I had
to change /etc/rc.local by hand.  Is there some reason why postgresql
should not be started after a reboot?  Have I completely got the wrong
end of the stick?


>> Looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init it seems my naive
>> assumption is correct, but why run all those scripts?
> um. because that's how we do it?
> Before 4.9 or so...we hard-coded the startup process for each daemon in
> /etc/rc, we decided to switch to the rc.d process for some additional
> flexibility.
> I'll admit I was dubious when it was first done, fearing we might be
> heading down the idiotic "everything.d" directories that many Linux
> distros are now doing, but it turns out I rather like it.
> Nick.

Why is the legal status of chardonnay different to that of cannabis?
       worik.stan...@gmail.com 021-1680650, (03) 4821804
                          Aotearoa (New Zealand)
                             I voted for love

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