Hi Misc,

I am resurrecting this 4 months old thread to leave electronic trace to
people who find themselves trying to install ViewVC on OpenBSD. After
four months of trying to adjust number of kernel file descriptors to
compensate for the memory leak of the built in Python web server which
comes with ViewVC I throw in the towel and migrated the ViewVC to stock
Apache server 

# uname -a
OpenBSD svnhub.int.autonlab.org 5.5 GENERIC.MP#315 amd64

To get ViewVC to work I have done the following:

1. Install 


Note I didn't bother to create commit database. 

2. Download ViewVC from a website and "install" using 


script. The only input viewvc-install expect is the location where
binaries have to be installed in our case proabably 


is appropriate location.

2. Enable mod_scgi by running a script (please see the package message)

3. Edit /var/www/conf/httpd.conf

the line 

LoadModule scgi_module        /usr/lib/apache/modules/mod_scgi.so

should be present after you run the script from mod_scgi installation

Remove the default ScriptAlias and add

ScriptAlias /viewvc "/usr/local/bin/viewvc-1.1.22/bin/cgi/viewvc.cgi"
ScriptAlias /query "/usr/local/bin/viewvc-1.1.22/bin/cgi/query.cgi"

Note that I kept the name viewvc with the version of the program


<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">


<Directory "/usr/local/bin/viewvc-1.1.22/bin/cgi">

4. vi /usr/local/bin/viewvc-1.1.22/viewvc.conf

specify CVS root in my case

cvs_roots = CVS: /var/CVS

specify Subversion root_parents in my case

root_parents = /var/svn/svnrepos: svn


enable_syntax_coloration = 1
use_cvsgraph = 1
cvsgraph = /usr/local/bin/cvsgraph

5. Make sure ViewVC has read access to CVS repositories. 

6. Finally use flag -u to run Apache since otherwise be ready to put
Perl, Python and ten other things into chroot. It is just not worth the
effort IMHO for something I run internally.

Predrag Punosevac

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