I am trying to run ViewVC in the stand alone server mode on the new svn
server (OpenBSD 5.5 amd64).  Since ViewVC is not in ports I downloaded
1.1.22 package from CollabNet website. ViewVC keeps crashing when 
while I browse my SVN repos. They are rather large. I am not using any
kind a proxy but rather forcing built in server to listen on the port
Does anyone have any experience running ViewVC on OpenBSD recently? I am
tempted to try to use Nginx as a proxy or install Apache 2 and use CGI
mode via ScriptAlias for ViewVC. The latter is running fine in out
current setup on Scientific Linux 6.2 which I am trying to migrate to
OpenBSD. Unfortunately moving to Trac (which would be my strong
preference) or WebSVN will probably cause ruffle feathers, a condition I
want to avoid.


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