On 2014-07-26, Sebastian Reitenbach <sebas...@l00-bugdead-prods.de> wrote: > On Saturday, July 26, 2014 10:04 CEST, Todd Zimmermann > <toddo.zimmerm...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Have name resolution failure after an upgrade ( rebooting into the the >> new system) on my crusty i386 server. A # kill -9 'unbound pid' plus >> starting unbound from rc.d after and everything is fine. Might have >> been going on for awhile, but usually it works itself out. >> >> -- Z >> > > > I had sent message about unbound (subject unbound reverse DNS problem to > local stub zone) > on May 17, also on i386. > But I have only problems with reverse DNS lookups on a local zone, hosted by > nsd on the same host. Restarting unbound, makes the lookup work again for a > given > IP, but then might make reverse lookup fail for others :( > > This is still the case for me with more recent snapshots, the last I have > running > on that box is from June 15.
Didn't this go away when you changed to the correct zone names? "In unbound, I only had the 10.in-addr.arpa and in nsd I have 0.0.10.in-addr.arpa. I only had to change unbound configuration as suggested, which up to now seems to work reliable.""