On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 3:12 AM, Patrik Lundin
<patrik.lundin....@gmail.com> wrote:
> So you are basically daisy chaining three different resolvers? This
> seems a bit scary to me from a maintenence standpoint :). If nothing
> else I guess you need to verify all pieces of the puzzle are working as
> intended when problems occur.

Well it's actually only two, dnscrypt-proxy isn't a resolver. It just
encrypts/decrypts DNS queries. Originally I wanted unbound listening
only on localhost with divert-to rules in pf, like the ftp-proxy
anchor example, but could never get that working. May be worth a
revisit to simplify things.

>> I do have snort (inline mode) running, so there is the expected temp
>> loss of remote connectivity until snort is running. Normally it works
>> itself out, but this is likely the point where this issue appears.
> Guess it's possible, not sure how it would affect unbound.

It's one of the biggest bottlenecks on this box during boot, might be
the wrong assumption on my part.

> From your initial message I was under the impression the SERVFAIL occurs
> after every reboot. Seems it is more complex then :).

No, sorry if I implied it was after every reboot. ~ the last few
snapshots, it would appear upon rebooting after sysmerge. It has also
occurred intermittently/rarely after the box being up for awhile, but
still enough over time that # kill -9 'unbound pid' is the reflex
response. Simply restarting unbound doesn't fix it. Always assumed it
was due to unbound's strict chroot under obsd.

Definitely need to examine some configs on my end, always a better way
to do things. Haven't been able to recreate it, but if it happens
again hopefully have some more useful output. Even if it shows I fell
out of the idiot tree and hit all the branches on the way down :)

Appreciate your feedback and trying to recreate it. Hopefully wasn't a
time waster. - Z

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