Stan Gammons [] wrote:
> I know it's ancient and minimal hardware, but I've been tinkering with
> OpenBSD 5.5 on a Nokia IP260 with an 8GB compact flash.  The OS was
> installed on the compact flash using a card reader on a Dell laptop.  The OS
> boots and networking works as long as I specify the MAC using lladdr in
> and use duids. If you don't use duids the partitions will not
> mount when the compact flash is moved from the laptop to the IP260.  But I
> see some errors on an 8GB compact flash that I didn't see with a 1GB compact
> flash.  Could it be the 8GB compact flash is more than what the IP260
> supported? Here's the dmesg

If the 1GB flash didn't have ultra-DMA support, that would explain why
you only see this error on the 8GB flash. Smells like the IP260 doesn't connect
the ultra-DMA wires back to the intel IDE chip, so only PIO mode or mwDMA will

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