On 2014-06-13, lm <l...@redabierta.es> wrote:
> It seems it's supported on NetBSD (or, at least, they claim that on
> ath(4)).
It probably is, that nic works on most OS.

> The thing is, is there anybody in the room that knows why this driver
> didn't succeed in the past? Is there any tip you want to share before
> I start working on it?
> Thanks for reading!
> L. Merino
> References:
> [1] http://openbsd.7691.n7.nabble.com/Add-support-to-AR5424-td169663.html

This only helped one (fairly rare) variant, and iirc it also broke
connections to networks with hidden ssid on previously-working devices.

> [2] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=121734237829915

This caused kernel crashes for some people, but might be a better
starting point.

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