Hi there,
this is my first mail to the mailing list, so hello everybody!

I have been using OpenBSD as a server during the last two years, and 
I finally decided to move it to one of my laptops. I started with 
an EeePC 701, and almost everything is working smoothly, but the 
Wireless Card doesn't work (although it's recognised by the kernel).
The card is an Atheros with AR5424 chipset, and it seems there have
been various efforts to support it in the past [1, 2]. The fact is
that, at the moment, the card is not working on -current.

It seems it's supported on NetBSD (or, at least, they claim that on
ath(4)). I would like to verify this and, as a development exercise,
try to make the card work under OpenBSD. I would like to be involved
with the OpenBSD development and kernel hacking, so I think this could
be a great opportunity to be in touch with it and learn about it.

The thing is, is there anybody in the room that knows why this driver
didn't succeed in the past? Is there any tip you want to share before
I start working on it?

Thanks for reading!
L. Merino


[1] http://openbsd.7691.n7.nabble.com/Add-support-to-AR5424-td169663.html
[2] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=121734237829915

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