Oh yes there was an option for a lobotomised LSI card that won't work
(something beginning with s - s100 maybe?) The onboard sata is OK, as is the
h200 (mpii)

On 22 April 2014 23:40:44 BST, Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net> wrote:
>On April 22, 2014 5:35:56 PM CDT, Stuart Henderson
><s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>>On 2014-04-22, Mike Grau <m.g...@kcc.state.ks.us> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm new to OpenBSD and hope someone here has been able to install
>>> OpenBSD on a Dell PE  R210. It will not boot the install CD (made
>>> install54.iso). Here's the console:
>>> CD-ROM: 82
>>> Loading /5.4/AMD64/CDBOOT
>>> probing: pc0 com0 com1 mem[624K 3061M a20=on]
>>> disk:
>>>        _
>>Not sure what is up here, but there are loads of R210 and R210ii
>>OpenBSD with no problems, this is something I would expect to work.
>>Only caveat I know of is, if the bios is set for serial redirection,
>>et it to not redirect after boot.
>On the FreeBSD side, at least, it depends on exactly how the server was
>ordered - there are apparently a wide variety of disk controllers to be
>found in otherwise-identical servers.  I don't recall which ones were
>Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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