On 2014/04/20 15:11, Kaya Saman wrote:
> On 04/20/2014 11:52 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> >On 2014-04-19, Kaya Saman <kayasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>I hope someone can help me with this...
> >>
> >>For some reason my fans are spinning up at 3000RPM and making a lot of
> >>noise. I have a similar chassis m/b combo running FreeBSD 10 which runs
> >>almost silent.
> >>
> >>The processor usage on this machine isn't very high at all and is even
> >>being throttled.
> >I had some machines with a problem like this that was introduced between
> >5.4 and 5.5 which was tracked down to the mwait idle loop.
> >
> >Do you need to run MP on it? If not, and if mwait is the problem,
> >switching to GENERIC is probably the easiest workaround.
> >
> Many thanks Stuart for the response.
> What's the difference between GENERIC and MP.... I'm guessing MP stands for
> MultiProcessor?

Yes, right.

> Basically the machine is a router/firewall. Routing is only done on the
> first core in OpenBSD but things like MySQL and Apache are multi-threaded so
> I'd like to keep the multi-threading support if possible.
> Not sure..... what would you suggest?

Well this may (if it works) be a quick easy fix to quieten down the
machine and reduce power consumption if you can live with it.. anything
better than this is probably going to involve digging in to cpu power-
saving states.

So really it depends what's more important to you.

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