On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 4:22 AM, Steve Quinn <letter2st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Using -current is easy, just start with latest snapshot from mirror and
> use
> > snapshot path for packages in PKG_PATH as well. From that time on easy
> like
> > with regular system. Plus is you have binary upgrades to new snapshot
> mostly
> > everyday (if you want to) -> man sysmerge -> checking current.html page
> IF
> > some manual intervention needed -> pkg_add -u . All of that takes like 15
> > minutes or so, depends on speed of your network and interval how often
> you
> > will update between snapshots. Generally more stable then some so called
> > stable/lts/whatever distros and you have latest fixes.
> My gosh Tomas, you are so incredibly helpful thank you.
> I now have an avenue to supply a laptop to a Dev :-)
> In parallel though, I'll still be taking this opportunity to learn
> -current and other shiny new (to me) things

You're welcome. You will find it quickly very easy. Especially for
desktop/workstation/laptop not much reasons to be on release/stable. I
don't say that there are not use cases, but very small amount of those.

> > For BIOS I meant if there's something related to ACPI in fixes from
> vendor.
> Oh, right, sorry. I will check
> Steve

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