On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Steve Quinn <letter2st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 7:31 AM, Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Just one side note. Most (or all?) "major" operating systems are using
> > implementation of ACPI from Intel, but OpenBSD has own implementation
> >
> http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=acpi&sektion=4&apropos=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386
> > , which may be sometimes problematic, but generally fixes are available
> very
> > quickly compared to that general implementation.
> Wow, thanks for the great reference

One correction I did not have single issue with ACPI over the years on Dell
or Lenovo HW with OpenBSD, but had number of those with other BSDs,
OpenSolaris or Linux with their Intel implementation. Especially cheaper
consumer models from HP, Toshiba, Sony and similar has very "interesting"
workarounds implemented to get it working at least somewhat even on Windows
and Linux so these are often very funny :-)

> > Good quick start is to send dmesg output from latest -current (both i386
> and
> > amd64 IF there's some difference) and something which you probably
> already
> > checked ; BIOS versions
> Ok.  Sounds great, thank you.
> I've yet to install -current and want to do it properly so it will be
> a few days until I have a dmesg to share
> Regarding the BIOS version, I will triple check but I'm usually quite
> anal about these things :-)

Using -current is easy, just start with latest snapshot from mirror and use
snapshot path for packages in PKG_PATH as well. From that time on easy like
with regular system. Plus is you have binary upgrades to new snapshot
mostly everyday (if you want to) -> man sysmerge -> checking current.html
page IF some manual intervention needed -> pkg_add -u . All of that takes
like 15 minutes or so, depends on speed of your network and interval how
often you will update between snapshots. Generally more stable then some so
called stable/lts/whatever distros and you have latest fixes.

For BIOS I meant if there's something related to ACPI in fixes from vendor.

> Steve

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