> You made a mistake, it got explained to you, you acknowledged it, all
> fine. I would only add this: one of the things that is particularly
> outstanding about OpenBSD is the documentation.

Question .. where do I get all the man pages?  I have some of them
but then others are absent :

# man reboot
REBOOT(8)               OpenBSD System Manager's Manual              REBOOT(8)

     reboot, halt - stopping and restarting the system

     halt [-dnpq]
     reboot [-dnq]

     The halt and reboot utilities flush the file system cache to disk,
     execute the rc.d(8) scripts specified by the pkg_scripts variable defined
     in rc.conf(8) in a reverse order, run the system shutdown script, send
     all running processes a SIGTERM (and subsequently a SIGKILL), and,
     respectively, halt or restart the system.  The action is logged,
     including entering a shutdown record into the login accounting file.

     The options are as follows:

     -d      Causes system to create a dump before rebooting.  This option is
             useful for debugging system dump procedures or capturing the
             state of a corrupted or misbehaving system.  See savecore(8) for
             information on how to recover this dump.

     -n      Prevent file system cache from being flushed.  This option should
             probably not be used.

     -p      Causes the system to power down, if it is being halted, and the
             hardware supports automatic power down.

             See also the description of powerdown, below.

     -q      Quick.  The system is halted or restarted quickly and
             ungracefully, and only the flushing of the file system cache is
             performed.  This option should probably not be used.

     Normally, the shutdown(8) utility is used when the system needs to be
     halted or restarted, giving users advance warning of their impending

     /etc/rc.shutdown  Script which is run at shutdown time.  If it sets the
                       variable powerdown to ``YES'', halt will attempt to
                       power down the machine after it has halted.

     reboot(2), utmp(5), boot_alpha(8), boot_amd64(8), boot_hp300(8),
     boot_hppa(8), boot_hppa64(8), boot_i386(8), boot_luna88k(8),
     boot_macppc(8), boot_mvme68k(8), boot_mvme88k(8), boot_sparc(8),
     boot_sparc64(8), boot_vax(8), boot_zaurus(8), rc.d(8), rc.shutdown(8),
     savecore(8), shutdown(8), sync(8)

     A reboot command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.

OpenBSD 5.4                      June 20, 2012                     OpenBSD 5.4

# man boot_amd64
man: no entry for boot_amd64 in the manual.
# man boot_i386
man: no entry for boot_i386 in the manual.
# man boot_sparc
man: no entry for boot_sparc in the manual.


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