The FAQ says the same:
"We strongly suggest you do not alter /etc/rc.conf itself. Instead,
create or edit the file /etc/rc.conf.local, copy just the lines you
need to change from /etc/rc.conf and adjust them as you like."

rc.conf is gives a good hint as well:
# To select the service options you desire, please override these
# options in the file /etc/rc.conf.local

To "override" options in rc.conf, I often do something like:
# grep tftp /etc/rc.conf >> /etc/rc.conf.local

Which gives me something nice to work with:
tftpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "[chroot dir]"
tftpproxy_flags=NO      # for normal use: ""


On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Kenneth Westerback
<> wrote:
> rc.conf(8) says "create and edit a rc.conf.local". Not copy rc.conf.
> I'm not sure what the FAQ says but I'd think it would be similar
> advice.
> .... Ken
> On 9 February 2014 13:28, VaZub <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There is a small nuisance I've stumbled upon during my first
>> experiments with OpenBSD.
>> Both the man page for rc.conf(8) as well as the official OpenBSD FAQ
>> (10.3) suggest to avoid editing /etc/rc.conf directly and instead copy
>> it to /etc/rc.conf.local and edit afterwards. Yet it seems both fail
>> to mention, that in order to prevent your system from going ballistic
>> after doing this, you should also comment out or delete a particular
>> line of code in /etc/rc.conf.local, namely this one:
>> "[ -f /etc/rc.conf.local ] && . /etc/rc.conf.local". Not good,
>> especially for those who do follow official instructions and still
>> suddenly find themselves with a broken system on their hands for no
>> apparent reason.
>> This might seem like a trivial issue for old-timers, and one is sure
>> to find the appropriate solution with a little bit of deeper googling,
>> but having short relevant notices in the aforementioned manuals could
>> save newcomers some introductory frustration. What do you think? Is
>> there anyone among those looking after the official documentation up
>> to consider such a suggestion?
>> Regards,
>> Vasyl Zubko

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