+1 for the subscription idea. Not that it completely solves the problem at 
hand. But a great (IMHO) idea. 

Josh Smith

Email/jabber: juice...@gmail.com
Phone: 304.237.9369(c)

Sent from my iPhone. 

> On Jan 16, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Jan Lambertz <jd.arb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I like the subscription idea. I'd love to have every release without
> actually doing the shopping every time. This could at least make a bit of
> safe money.
> I believe, making a company  sending 20k$ every year to openbsd could be
> quite difficult.
> Why should they do this ?
> What do they get ?
> Why is that better than spending that money in new hardware or buying fancy
> whiteboards in managers office ?
> I know what they would get, but they dont. How do we make a company to know
> about the benefit of openbsd? They never heard of it. They wont ever use it
> because they dont get a 24/7 support contract from a big consulting company
> for it.
> They dont know about openbsd and most dont care.
> That might not be the opinion of most people on this list but it is the
> opinion of most people not on this list [the ones with money].

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