On 16 Jan 2014, at 19.45, Jack Woehr <jwo...@softwoehr.com> wrote:
> I think Theo has answered this previously. His point was that he doesn't want 
> to spend his time year after year
> running campaigns. Being neither a politician nor a diplomat nor a 
> grantmaster, he wants a sustainable model.

There’s a person who writes excellent documentation for OpenBSD, isn’t he an 
English language professor? Excellent documentation is one of the key features 
of OpenBSD, hands down, i.e. he is an extremely valuable project member even if 
he doesn’t commit executable code to version control. With this in mind, 
wouldn’t there be room in core for a person dedicated to fund-raising, i.e. a 
person with a strong vote?

I really do want to see OpenBSD survive, but expenses are a reality as we now 
see. Being the project leader means also addressing the issue of funding in a 
feasible manner, even if addressing simply means delegation to a person who has 
both the competence as well as motivation to perform such a role. Fact is, if I 
were capable of funding the electricity bill then I would do it in a heartbeat, 
but it would definitely require transparency as has been stated earlier in this 

Wikipedia runs these sort of fundraisers every year and they do it in a very 
obtrusive way, but they haven’t yet run out of money. Time to face reality.


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