* Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@devio.us> [2013-10-05 06:19:45 -0400]:
> have been using 'cwm' for over a week now.
> enjoying every moment of it.
> very well thought out and well executed from an openbsd perspective.
> questions;
> * is there any mailing list for keeping an eye on 'cwm' progress?
> * can the openbsd 'xdm' be made to look equally minimalistic?
>   (i tried fiddling with the resources, made my system freeze).
> best.

There is no specific cwm mailing list that i'm aware of. OpenBSD ships its own 
modified version in xenocara. 

XDM is a different program altogether. You can easily configure it by editing 
the files in /etc/X11/xdm.

What exactly are you trying to change in xdm that you are having trouble with?

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