Tyler Mace <tylerdm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do any of you feel like this is a non-story? Or should I reconsider
> purchasing Lenovo hardware in the future?
> http://www.afr.com/p/technology/spy_agencies_ban_lenovo_pcs_on_security_HVgcKTHp4bIA4ulCPqC7SL

(1) Rumor monging.
"Alleged proof that the earth is flat remains highly classified."

(2) Since the NSA has preferential access to all sorts of vulnerabilities
(if not outright backdoors) in IT equipment exported by American
companies, it stands to reason that they are scared shitless of the
reverse scenario.

(3) There is an ever-increasing amount of code running outside the
control of the operating system.  Have you looked at the remote
management options of a plain office PC lately?  CPU microcode
updates from the BIOS?  And what *does* all that SMM code do?  It's
all completely trustworthy and bug free, I'm sure.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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