Hello guys,

Thursday, July 4, 2013, 12:40:50 PM, Nick Holland wrote:

>>   If the softraid is so raw yet, why the old good RAIDFrame was removed
>> starting the 5.2? It works just fine for me. Big volumes rebuilds take a
>> long while, but it's something working.

NH> That's quite a leap from "RAID 5 is not ready for use" to "softraid is
NH> so raw".  RAID5 is one discipline of several that isn't complete.  RAID0
NH> is ready for use, RAID1 is ready for use, crypto is ready for use.

  I've tried to use the nicer word. "Not fully functional" and "raw" are

NH> It is also quite a leap to call old RAIDframe "good".
NH> It was horribly old, unmaintained code, which wasn't well loved by
NH> developers when it was fresh and current.

NH> Your assumptions are wrong.

  I am not assuming, I'm talking from experience. It works. I can install
to it (after a small tweak in the script). I boot from it (after a small
tweak in the code to pick up swap on raid). It continues to work if one
disk fails. It repairs (automatically if you replace the disk and boot -
doing much better job than md from Linux). In other words - it's fully
functional with some flaws. "Fully functional" is the key expression here.

  Is the RAIDFrame old? Yes, but old isn't necessary bad if it's working.
  Did it need a replacement? Yes if no one was willing to maintain it.
  Did you need to kill it *before* the replacement is ready? Definitely no.

  Could you, please, return the RAIDframe support until the softraid is

Best regards,
 Boris                            mailto:bo...@twopoint.com

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