I do not know anything but I lurk here for most of the millennia or more.

Openbsd arm seems to lack a frame buffer.  If I try to ssh in thenci do not 
need  a frame buffer?
Openrisc has a MMU or three and boots Linux with TFPD? Booter.   It does not 
presently have atomic operations.  Is the lack of atomic operators currently 
represent a death blow to running openbsd on it?

My interests revolve around how cheap android tablets can be and useful without 
a functional GPU and the nice feel you could have starting with a raw FPGA.  
Not that nice feel is easy to justify.  Just thinking out loud with the hope 
these are sane questions.

With respect to arm tablets I like allwinter but have read about the boot 
loader issue on all these arm tablets.  And I do know that I cannot take any 
existing openbsd distribution and boot it on openrisc.  And I do note that your 
preferred C compiler is going away from the openrisc tool chain.

Just wondering to myself if it is worth thinking about more.


Sent from my Kindle Fire

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