On Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 12:18:50AM +0100, frantisek holop wrote:

> i have my own mail server, that i can setup as i want.
> i am travelling with my notebook.  my preferred setup would be something
> that downloads my mails when i am connected, then i can write answers
> locally even when being offline, and these would be sent automatically
> (through my server) when i come online again.  my mail client is mutt.
> any road warriors living like this with a rock solid well tested setup?

I use unison to sync my maildirs (much faster than POP/IMAP) and extsmail [1]
to send my e-mail via ssh whenever a connection is found. 

This is a very simple setup, but it has the advantage that it requires no
more config than is needed for normal ssh. I find it much easier than e.g.
setting up SMTP/TLS on various machines. It also means that synchronising
things across multiple machines works well. I spend huge chunks of time
offline (e.g. I'm writing this on a train), and this setup has worked well
for me for several years.



[1] http://tratt.net/laurie/src/extsmail/ in ports as mail/extsmail
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