On Sat, 9 Mar 2013 00:18:50 +0100
frantisek holop <min...@obiit.org> wrote:

> hi there,
> i am fishing for ideas from others regarding
> how to read/send email in my current life situation
> (=being on the road all the time connecting once
> in a while with 3rd world wifi).
> i have my own mail server, that i can setup as i want.
> i am travelling with my notebook.  my preferred
> setup would be something that downloads my mails
> when i am connected, then i can write answers locally
> even when being offline, and these would be sent
> automatically (through my server) when i come
> online again.  my mail client is mutt.
> any road warriors living like this with a rock
> solid well tested setup?
> -f
> -- 
> stop talking while i'm interrupting.

IFF your laptop is OBSD (or other *nix), then you might consider the 

run Sylpheed client with

Use SSL for POP3 connection
Use STARTTLS command to start SSL session

set on.  

SMTP port 587, pop3 at 995

and SMTP Auth set on Send.

On your server you'll need to set up sendmail to use starttls 
and stunnel to remap 995 to 110 (pop3 need be set up) as well 
as install and run cyrus-sasl.

This will give you a fairly secure system that allows online/offline access to 
your email server. 
It also gives you secure access mechanism that works with stock Android email 
client, altho
at the expense of losing the sorting that the Sylpheed client allows.


Ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco.

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