On 2013-02-28, Alex Mathiasen <a...@mira.dk> wrote:
> Looking into the log files, it appeared BGPD received a certain route in the
> routing table, and then grumbled about the prefix

"grumbled about" is not very exact, actual log entries would be a lot
more helpful. It would be even better if you could capture the actual
update messages causing the problem (tcpdump -i em0 -w bgp.pcap -s 1500
port 179 and host $foo)

> As TDC (My ISP) couldn't resolve which route that caused this issue (They told
> me: "That's what happened when you use third party software", so no help
> there...),

Every BGP implementation has problems from time to time, IMHO anyone
running this really needs to keep track of development of their chosen
implementation/s (at least keep an eye on changelogs / cvs commits
/ mailing lists etc) and general network problems (nanog, local network
operator groups, etc), and when they do have problems provide good
information to the (vendor | developers | 3rd party support org).

Also see everything that Benno wrote. :)

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