> > If I buy a car, and don't know how to operate it, and cause harm, nobody > > would blame the manufacturer.
Never heard of a Toyota recall such as the accelerator pedal sending cars into walls all by themselves. If cars were as bad as routers we wouldn't need to worry about traffic atleast but we would need a lot of bandages and bricks. >>> Just think about it...what is more likely...exploiting a reasonably >>> up-to-date Linux/VmWorks "router" or hitting a vulnerable >>> java/adobe/flash/windows/IE/whatever hastily-cobbled-together client >>> application. Depends on the network, both are easy targets and both likely used as stepping stones to higher profile targets. -- _______________________________________________________________________ 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface' (Doug McIlroy) _______________________________________________________________________