On 2013-02-21, at 11:21 PM, Eric Furman wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013, at 11:43 PM, Philip Guenther wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:29 PM, Rod Whitworth <glis...@witworx.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 21 Feb 2013 22:54:58 -0430, Andres Perera wrote:
>> ...
>>>> lkm(4) is outdated with wrong information about a feature no longer
>>> From cvsweb:src/lkm/ap/Attic/README
>>> Revision 1.3
>>> Mon Feb 24 22:30:12 2003 UTC (10 years ago) by matthieu
>>> Branches: MAIN
>>> CVS tags: HEAD
>>> Changes since revision 1.2: +1 -1 lines
>>> Bye, unused code.
>> This is too subtle for me.  How is that relevant to the question Andres
>> asked?
> Agreed. So why can I find lkm(4) in the man pages and it references
> OpenBSD 5.0??
> This is the first time I was even aware OBSD had anything to do with
> lkm.

Because the lkm interface is used to load dynamic kernel modules in
OpenBSD, like the man page says.

I have been doing this for the OpenAFS client from OpenBSD 3.6 through
to 5.2, inclusive, at least for i386.

I have no idea what src/lkm used to do but modload work just fine using
the lkm interface.

Antoine Verheijen                   Email: antoine.verhei...@ualberta.ca
AICT (formerly CNS)                 Phone: (780) 492-9312
University of Alberta               Fax:   (780) 492-1729

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