On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Patrick Vultier <xinfor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to use two OpenBSD systems as network load with iperf and netperf.
> Each server is equipped with two Intel dual NIC gigabit (plus one
> embedded gigabit NIC), two Xeon 3.2GHz H.T., 12GB RAM and OpenBSD 5.2
> i386.

Why i386 on 12GB of RAM? Did you test amd64 and best option current?

> My problem, I can't exceed ~ 870Mbps with multiple interface as
> reported in the experiments (see below).
> (PF was disabled for all experiment).

You think that 870Mbps is bad for 1Gbps card????

> Why am I blocked at ~ 1Gbps limit ? Is this normal ?
> EM drivers ? Kernel performance ? ... ?

Maybe you want to try roundrobin option of
to aggregate traffic instead of load balance or I don't understand.

> Thanks for your help.
> Xinform3n
> Initial post here: http://www.daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=7618
> experiment 1:
> Server A - NIC em0 - Subnet A - @.111
> Server B - NIC em0 - Subnet B - @.222
> One-way test (64KB window): ~ 870Mbps
> experiment 2:
> Server A - NIC trunk0 - Subnet A - @.111
> Server A - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server A - NIC em1 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server B - NIC trunk0 - Subnet B - @.222
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Switch side is well configured in aggregation with a hash algorithm
> based on src.mac+dst.mac+src.ip+dst.ip+src.port+dst.port
> One-way test (64KB window): ~ 870Mbps
> Two parallel one-way test (64KB window): total don't exceed ~ 850Mbps
> experiment 3:
> Server A - NIC trunk0 - Subnet A - @.111 and @.112
> Server A - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server A - NIC em1 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server B - NIC trunk0 - Subnet B - @.222 and @.223
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, loadbalance
> Switch side is well configured in aggregation with a hash algorithm
> based on src.mac+dst.mac+src.ip+dst.ip+src.port+dst.port
> One-way test (64KB window): ~ 870Mbps
> Two parallel one-way test (64KB window, on different IP @): total
> don't exceed ~ 850Mbps
> experiment 4:
> Server A - NIC trunk0 - Subnet A - @.111 and @.112
> Server A - NIC em0 - trunkport, lacp
> Server A - NIC em1 - trunkport, lacp
> Server B - NIC trunk0 - Subnet B - @.222 and @.223
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, lacp
> Server B - NIC em0 - trunkport, lacp
> Switch side is well configured in aggregation with LACP standard.
> One-way test (64KB window): ~ 870Mbps
> Two parallel one-way test (64KB window, on different IP @): total
> don't exceed ~ 850Mbps
> experiment 5:
> Server A - NIC em0 - Subnet A - @.111
> Server A - NIC em1 - Subnet B - @.111
> Server B - NIC em0 - Subnet A - @.222
> Server B - NIC em0 - Subnet B - @.222
> Two parallel one-way test (64KB window, on different IP @): total
> don't exceed ~ 850Mbps

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