On 01/14/2013 10:15 AM, Sarah Caswell wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having a frustrating problem getting OpenBSD-current (or
snapshot) to run on my Soekris net5501.

With previous versions of OBSD I was able to use qemu to install to a
compact flashcard directly, by connecting the flashcard to my laptop
and then starting qemu like so:

sudo qemu -hda /dev/sd0i -cdrom install52.iso -boot d  (and many
variations of this command mostly pertaining to the /dev/sd0

funny definition of "directly".
P.S.:  I know there are other ways to get OpenBSD running on a
Soekris but I've always liked the utter simplicity of the qemu-based

using an emulator = simple?
If you don't understand the tools well enough to troubleshoot the problem, I really don't believe your assessment there. I don't know much about qemu, but I see a problem in the command line.

This is what *I* call simple:
Take your USB flash card reader to a free machine with a USB port. Put an OpenBSD CD in it. Boot off CD. Install to CF device. Use DUIDs. Create a /etc/hostname.vr0 (or whatever your soekris uses for its primary NIC), and do other network configuration as needed. Put flash device in Soekris. Done. "direct", "simple", bare minimum of extra tools. Machine doesn't even have to be able to boot from the USB port, though you can't test it before installing on soekris if it isn't.

(variation: install bare minimum system on flash drive, move to Soekris, at the boot> prompt, tell it bsd.rd and re-install exactly as you wish. If *I* were doing that, I could do it from an installed OpenBSD machine of the same platform without taking down the machine or booting from a CD. I'd call that simple, but I understand some basic tools that we try to keep normal people from having to use. The info for figuring out how to do that is all in the OpenBSD FAQ, though not in recipe form.)


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