Hi all, I'm having a frustrating problem getting OpenBSD-current (or snapshot) to run on my Soekris net5501.
With previous versions of OBSD I was able to use qemu to install to a compact flashcard directly, by connecting the flashcard to my laptop and then starting qemu like so: sudo qemu -hda /dev/sd0i -cdrom install52.iso -boot d (and many variations of this command mostly pertaining to the /dev/sd0 section) I'm basically following the process described here: http://blog.spoofed.org/2007/12/openbsd-on-soekris-cheaters-guide.html In the past (~ OpenBSD 4.x) that was a piece of cake and my Soekris boxen worked right away but now with the 5.x releases I've tried the install aborts with a Kernel panic just before base52.tgz is fully downloaded or fetched from ISO. The panic message says that inodes are in use already. However that makes no sense to me since the panic occurs during package download AND I always used new fresh compact flash cards. Am I missing something obvious? I thought I wasn't a newbie, but this is making me rethink that notion. Any thoughts or insights would be welcome. :-) Sarah P.S.: I know there are other ways to get OpenBSD running on a Soekris but I've always liked the utter simplicity of the qemu-based install. -- "Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." - Benjamin Franklin